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UnitedHealthcare Response
UnitedHealthcare Response
Main Content
002. A. Transmittal Letter
003. Att. A.iv. Organizational Conflict of Interest Disclosure UnitedHealthcare of Kentucky Ltd
004. B. Disclosure of Violation of Statutes
005. C. Kentucky Tax Registration Application R
006. Att. C.E.68.B Additional Locations
007. D. Registration with the Secretary of State by a Foreign Entity
008. E. Required Annual Affidavit and Other Affidavit(s)
009. F. Completed and Signed Face of Solicitation R
010. Addendum 1 R
011. H1. EEO-1 Report
012. H2. EEO Subcontractor Report Form
013. H3. EEO Affidavit of Intent to Comply
014. J. Proof of Ability to Obtain Performance Bond
015. A. Executive Summary
016. Att. A. Letters of Support
017. 1. Corporate Experience
018. 2. Corporate Information R
019. Att. B.2.a.iv Managing Employees
020. Att. B.2.b.iii-1 Parent Management Agreement
022. Att. B.2.b.iv UnitedHealthcare of Kentucky Parent Business Entity Documents
023. Att. B.2.b.v-1 UnitedHealthcare of Kentucky Uniform Certificate of Authority
026. Att. B.2.c-2 Alorica, Inc. Audited Financial Statements
028. Att. B.2-c-4 CirrusMD, Inc. Audited Financial Statements
029. Att. B.2.c-5 DialAmerica, Inc. Audited Financial Statements
030. Att. B.2.c-6 Healthify, Inc. Audited Financial Statements
031. Att. B.2.c-7 Schoeneckers, Inc. Audited Financial Statements
032. Att. B.2.c-8 SilverLink Communications, LLC Audited Financial Statements
033. Att. B.2.c-9 Vivify Health, Inc. Audited Financial Statements
034. Att. B.2.d.i Litigation Matters
035. Att. B.2.d.ii UnitedHealthcare of Kentucky and Parent Affiliate Sanctions
037. Att. B.2.e PHI Breaches for UnitedHealthcare of Kentucky
038. Att. B.2.f NCQA Accreditation Downward Adjustments
039. 3. Staffing
040. Att. B.3.a.iv.c Key Personnel Resumes
041. Att. B.3.b Organizational Chart
042. 1. Subcontracts
043. 2. Collaboration
044. 3. Capitation Payments
045. 4. Financial Security Obligations
046. Att. C.4.b Credit Agreement and Promissory Note
047. 5. Third Party Resources
048. 6. Management Information System
049. Att. C.6.a UnitedHealthcare Management Information System
050. 7. Encounter Data
051. Att. C.7.b Encounter Data Processing Policy and Procedures
052. 8. Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE) and Electronic Health Records
053. 9. Quality Management and Health Outcomes
054. 10. Utilization Management
055. 11. Monitoring and Oversight
056. 12. Enrollee Services
057. Att. C.12.f.i Welcome Pack and Enrollee ID Card
058. Att. C.12.f.ii Sample Enrollee Handbook
059. Att. C.12.f.iii Sample Enrollee Materials
060. 13. Enrollee Selection of Primary Care Provider (PCP)
061. 14. Enrollee Grievances and Appeals
062. 15. Marketing
063. Att. C.15 Sample Marketing Plan
064. 16. Enrollee Eligibility Enrollment and Disenrollment
065. 17. Provider Services
066. Att. C.17.d-1 Sample Care Provider Manual-Ohio
067. Att. C.17.d-2 Sample 2019 Care Provider Manual TOC
068. Att. C.17.f.-1 Credentialing Policies and Procedures-1-2
069. Att. C.17.f-2 Procedures for CVO Coordination
070. 18. Provider Network
071. Att. C.18.d 00_UnitedHealthcare Provider Agreement Submission
071. Att. C.18.d 13_Behavioral Health Facility Agreement
071. Att. C.18.d 21_Subcontractor Business Agreement
071. Att. C.18.d 22_Transportation Provider Agreement
071. Att. C.18.d 24_Physical Health Provider Amendment
071. Att. C.18.d 27_Vision Provider Agreement
072. Att. C.18.e.i UnitedHealthcare Excel Workbook by Provider Type
073. Att. C.18.e.ii UHC-Provider Counts
074. Att. C.18.e.iii UnitedHealthcare Statewide GeoAccess Report
075. Att. C.18.g-1 Provider Appointment Availability Survey-Sample Questions
076 Att. C.18.g-2 Medicaid Top Enrollee Call Drivers Report
077. 19. Provider Payment Provisions
078. Att. C.19.b.i UnitedHealthcare Claims Policies
079. 20. Covered Services
080. 21. Pharmacy Benefits
081. Att. C.21.a.i PBM Contract
082. 22. Special Program Requirements
083. 23. Behavioral Health Services
084. 24. Population Health Management Program
085. 25. Enrollees with Special Health Care Needs
086. 26. Program Integrity
087. 27. Contractor Reporting Requirements
090. 28. Records Maintenance and Audit Rights
091. 29. Use Cases
092. D. Implementation Plan
093. Att. D. Implementation Plan
094. E. Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery Plan
095. Att. E.2 Event Management Plan
096. F. Turnover Plan
097. Att. F. Turnover Plan
098. G.1. Executive Summary
099. Att. G.1 Letters of Support
100. G.2. Company Background
101. Att. G.2.a.ii Managed Care Contracts for Foster Care
102. Att. G.2.c.iv.c Resumes
103. G.3. Kentucky SKY Implementation
104. Att. G.3.a Implementation Plan
105. G.4. Kentucky SKY Contractor Educational and Training Requirements
106. G.5. Kentucky SKY Enrollee Services
107. Att. Sample PCP Enrollee Panel Report
108. G.6. Provider Network
109. G.7. Provider Services
110. Att. G.7.c-1 Trauma Informed Care Training Flyer Care Philosophy Training
112. G.8. Covered Services
113. Att. CSDC-SF
114. Att. PC-PTSD
115. Att. PCL-5
116. Att. PSC-35
117. Att. G.8.b-1 Pediatric Core
118. Att. G.8.b-2 Adult Core
119. Att. G.8.b-3 Pediatric to Adult Transition
120. Att. G.8.b-4 Healthy First Steps
121. G.9. Health Outcomes
122. G.10. Population Health Management and Care Coordination
123. G.11. Utilization Management
124. G.12. Aging Out Services
125. G.13. Use Cases for Kentucky SKY
Att. B.2.b.iii-2.a Dental Benefit Providers Affiliate Management Agreement
Att. B.2.b.iii-2.b March Vision Affiliate Management Agreement
Att. B.2.b.iii-2.c OptumHealth Care Solutions Management Agreement
Att. B.2.b.iii-2.d OptumInsight Management Agreement
Att. B.2.b.iii-2.e OptumRx Affiliate Management Agreement
Att. B.2.b.iii-2.f United Behavioral Health Affiliate Management Agreement
Att. B.2.b.iii-2.g Generic Medicaid and CHIP Regulatory App Affiliate Management Agreement
Att. B.2.b.v-2a 2018 Annual Statement to Insurance Department
Att. B.2.b.v-2b 2019 Q1 Statement to Insurance Department
Att. B.2.b.v-2c 2019 Q2 Statement to Insurance Department
Att. B.2.b.v-2d 2019 Q3 Statement to Insurance Department
Att. B.2.c-1a UnitedHealth Group 2018 Audited Financial Statement
Att. B.2.c-1b UnitedHealth Group 2017 Audited Financial Statement
Att. B.2.c-1c UnitedHealth Group 2016 Audited Financial Statement
Att. B.2.c-3a CareCore National, LLC 2018 Audited Financial Statements
Att. B.2.c-3b CareCore National, LLC 2017 Audited Financial Statements
Att. B.2.c-3c CareCore National, LLC 2016 Audited Financial Statements
Att. B.2.d.iii-1 UnitedHealth Group Form 10-Q for Q1 2019
Att. B.2.d.iii-2 UnitedHealth Group Form 10-Q for Q2 2019
Att. B.2.d.iii-3 UnitedHealth Group Form 10-Q for Q3 2019
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample _CMS-416 Annual EPSDT Participation
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample _EPSDT Monthly
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_EPSDT Quarterly
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Fraud Waste Abuse_Providers and Members
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Initial Care Needs Screening
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Member Appeal and Grievances
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Network Access Report
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Network Access Report PCP
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Opioid Misuse and Prevention
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Pharmacy DUR
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Provider Grievances and Appeals
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Service Lines
Att. C.27.a.i. Sample_Third Party Liability
Att. C.27.d.ii. Sample_March Vision Monthly Scorecard
Att. C.27.d.ii. Sample_UHC Claims Monitoring Report_May 2019
Proposal Submission Checklist
Table of Contents
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Contract Connections
Contract Management
Public-Private Partnerships (P3)
Doing Business with the Commonwealth
Kentucky Broadband Deployment Fund Grant Application
Kentucky Procurement Institute (KPI) Training and Certificate Program
Managed Care Organization (MCO)
Other Business Opportunities
Procurement Laws, Regulations, and Policies
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State Agency and Local Government Procurement
Additional Solicitation Information
Executive Director
Office of Procurement
200 Mero Street, 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40622
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