Since 2004, the River Authority has provided
111 Watershed Grants totaling $307,000. The Kentucky River Authority announces its 2024-2026 watershed grants to local non-profits who are helping us improve water quality throughout the Kentucky River Basin. A total of $35,000 was awarded to eight recipients who will be working on local initiatives.
Kentucky Waterways Alliance received a grant to purchase trees for planting along streams and river banks to help with stabilization. The grant will also be used for their 30th annual Red River clean up.

Friends of Wolf Run will use their funding to schedule and coordinate a Bluegrass Watershed Summit conference for watershed group leadership and key volunteers focusing on central Kentucky.
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill will receive funding to rehabilitate the current ramp access to the Kentucky River at Shaker Landing; to increase overall public access for recreation and educational programs on the Kentucky River via Shaker Landing.
Friends of Red River were given funding to support their coordination of the Red River Festival in 2025 and 2026. This festival will include a competitive canoe race on the Red River, as well as a shorter fun paddling event, educational activities, a river cleanup and live music, food, and beverages. (see photo, Red River Festival kayaks)
Red Bird Mission was awarded a grant to get bear dumpsters. This is to help prevent the large issue they have been having with bears getting into trash and spreading it around the area. They will also be getting educational signage.
Bluegrass Greensource were given the grant for the Kentucky Riverfest which will increase awareness and appreciation of local bodies of water through festival and kayak/canoe opportunity. 
The mission of the Herrington Lake Conservation
League is to preserve the natural beauty,
environmental health and safety of the lake through
the efforts of those who benefit, use and enjoy it. They will use the grant money to help preserve the lake through trash removal.

Carroll County 4H will use their funding to put in raised garden beds that will be wheelchair accessible. It will also be used for rain barrels and workshops for the community